Google Drive for Unity3D

GoogleDrive.File Class Reference

File class. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 File (Dictionary< string, object > metadata)
 Make a file with data.
Dictionary< string, object > ToJSON ()
 Generate JSON data of this file.
override string ToString ()
 File information.


string ID [get, set]
 The ID of the file.
string Title [get, set]
 File title.
string MimeType [get, set]
 File MIME type. It must be set.
string Description [get, set]
 File description. null is default.
DateTime CreatedDate [get, set]
 Created date.
DateTime ModifiedDate [get, set]
 Last time this file was modified.
string ThumbnailLink [get, set]
 A link to the file's thumbnail. It can be null.
string DownloadUrl [get, set]
 Download URL. It can be null such as folders.
string MD5Checksum [get, set]
 MD5 Checksum. It can be null.
long FileSize [get, set]
 The size of the file in bytes. 0 is default(folders or file has no content).
List< string > Parents [get, set]
 Parents ID List. If it is empty then the file is in the root folder.
bool IsFolder [get]
 Is this file a folder?

Detailed Description

File class.

Make a file with data.

        var file = new GoogleDrive.File(new Dictionary<string, object>
            { "title", "text_file.txt" },
            { "mimeType", "text/plain" },
            { "description", "This is a text file." }

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

GoogleDrive.File.File ( Dictionary< string, object >  metadata)

Make a file with data.

metadataJSON data.

Member Function Documentation

Dictionary<string, object> GoogleDrive.File.ToJSON ( )

Generate JSON data of this file.

JSON data.
override string GoogleDrive.File.ToString ( )

File information.

Dump string.

Property Documentation

DateTime GoogleDrive.File.CreatedDate [get, set]

Created date.

string GoogleDrive.File.Description [get, set]

File description. null is default.

string GoogleDrive.File.DownloadUrl [get, set]

Download URL. It can be null such as folders.

long GoogleDrive.File.FileSize [get, set]

The size of the file in bytes. 0 is default(folders or file has no content).

string GoogleDrive.File.ID [get, set]

The ID of the file.

bool GoogleDrive.File.IsFolder [get]

Is this file a folder?

string GoogleDrive.File.MD5Checksum [get, set]

MD5 Checksum. It can be null.

string GoogleDrive.File.MimeType [get, set]

File MIME type. It must be set.

text/plain: text.

image/png: PNG image data(binary).

application/json: JSON string.

application/octet-stream: Binary data.

and more.

DateTime GoogleDrive.File.ModifiedDate [get, set]

Last time this file was modified.

List<string> GoogleDrive.File.Parents [get, set]

Parents ID List. If it is empty then the file is in the root folder.

string GoogleDrive.File.ThumbnailLink [get, set]

A link to the file's thumbnail. It can be null.

string GoogleDrive.File.Title [get, set]

File title.

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